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Factors Affecting Treatment Compliance In Tb Patients (Tuberculosis) During Pandemic Covid-19 At Labuang Baji Makassar Hospital

Tuberculosis (TB) is an infectious disease caused by the bacteria
Mycobacterium tuberculosis (World Health Organization. Tuberculosis (TB) is
also one of the main public health problems that has become one of the biggest
threats in the world, in addition to the COVID-19 pandemic. Currently, TB
(tuberculosis) is one of the risk factors for a person to be susceptible to being
infected with COVID-19. The aim of the study was to determine the factors that
influence medication adherence in TB (tuberculosis) patients during the Covid-
19 pandemic at the LabuangBaji Hospital, Makassar. The research design used
in this study is descriptive analytic research using a cross sectional study
design. To determine the relationship between the independent variable and the
dependent variable using joint measurements, the population is 128 people.
respondents, the measuring instrument for measuring data is using a
questionnaire. There is an influence between the knowledge variable about TB
disease (tuberculosis) on the adherence to treatment of TB patients
(tuberculosis) during the covid-19 pandemic at LabuangBaji Hospital Makassar
showing a value (0.005 < 0.05), There is an influence between the variables of
family support on treatment adherence TB patients (tuberculosis) during the
covid-19 pandemic at LabuangBaji Hospital Makassar showed a value (0.003 <
0.05), There was an influence between the anxiety variable on adherence to
treatment for TB patients (tuberculosis) during the covid-19 pandemic,
LabuangBaji Hospital Makassar showed a value (0.001 < 0.05). There is an
influence between knowledge of TB disease (tuberculosis), family support,
anxiety and adherence to treatment for TB patients during the covid-19
pandemic at LabuangBaji Hospital Makassar
International Journal of Health and Pharmaceutical
Imelda appulembang - Personal Name
Ana LitaLutoWujon - Personal Name
Dana Briggs - Personal Name
Maher Nasser Abdullah - Personal Name
International Journal of Health and Pharmaceutical